Thursday 29 October 2009

Hydration for Women......

I would like to share with you the importance of hydration that will help you insure maximum health and wellness. You must drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. I know you have heard this time and time again. I understand completely! I know how difficult it is to drink all that water in one day. Then start all over again the next morning. I used to think the same way until

I found ways to change it up and get it down. Now I look forward to drinking water. Believe it or not!
Last year I jetted off to France with my phrase book in hand to watch the largest sporting event in the world Le Tour De France. The cyclists that compete in the tour are some of the greatest athletes in the world. But what I notice about each cyclist, their family and friends was very enlightening. Each and every one of them drank water almost twenty four hours a day. I am an athlete myself and I understand the importance of water while playing a sport, but what was amazing is they always had water in their hand and were constantly drinking it. When they were sitting at a café, during dinner, and just socializing with the fans, they were always drinking and hydrating themselves. It hit home with me. These men that are the best conditioned and in the best health drank water. At that moment, I purchased a bottle of water and have not stopped drinking.
The recommendation of eight to ten eight ounce glasses of water will help ensure that you body has adequate water to keep it working properly. If you would drink at the very least eight glasses filled with eight ounces of water each day you will feel better. Your skin will be softer, suppler, your joints will feel better, be lubricated, and your overall health and wellness will improve. Drinking water helps to move the environmental toxins out of your body. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Now, the next time you have difficultly drinking your 8 glasses of water I want you to think of ways to change it.
-Add a twist of Lemon.
-Add a splash of cranberry juice.
-Add a little (not the whole packet) of Crystal Light
-Think of low calorie juice to add to change the flavor.
Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women‘s fitness, and the womens health and wellness others achieve ultimate health and wellness.

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