Wednesday 28 October 2009

Top 10 Mistakes Women Make when trying to achieve the body of their Dreams....

Several times I have had women contact me frustrated that they are not seeing the results they desire. However, as we get into our conversation and I start asking questions about their current fitness routines, I find some common threads.

I decided to compile a list of the top ten mistakes women make that really does keep them from making any progress. By reading this, you will be well on your way to achieving better results than the average gym rat or home exerciser.

1. Too Much Cardio -
Back in the early 70's it was popular belief that women belonged on the treadmill or in aerobic exercise classes swinging little purple dumbbells. Spending hours on the treadmill was the way to loose unwanted body fat.
Well, let me squash that belief! If you have been spending all your time on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or exercise bike, there is an easier, faster way.
Your body is never going to change, you are never going to loose any weight, let alone body fat and you are going to remain frustrated forever!
Let me tell you the secret to fat loss: Strength training and I am not talking about purple dumbbells. Ladies, you will not bulk up and look like a bodybuilder if you lift heavy weights. On the contrary, you will become lean, toned and gain fat burning muscle. Start strength training and you can kiss your flab goodbye!

2. Low Intensity Cardio -
Some of you are really stubborn about your cardio sessions. Some of you may even be cardio junkies!
Let me explain what happens when you spend all your time on the treadmill reading the latest romance novel or gossip magazine - not much. Your body adapted to that after the first four weeks.
You should be including high intensity interval training as part of your cardio program. The nice thing about high intensity interval training is that your body is never able to adapt. You can constantly change the variables. Whether it is your speed, your resistance, your incline or the interval time, your body is constantly guessing and is never able to reach homeostasis. This is what we want! It's time to step it up!

3. Getting Stuck in a Rut -
If you have been doing the same exercises since the first day you joined the gym, then you're truly stuck in a rut. Your body adapts to exercises within a 4-6 week period. Make an effort to try something new every month. Use different exercises for each muscle movement.

4. Using a Generic Solution -
Every one of us is different and unique. So why would you use a generic exercise program that is not personalized or customized to your unique needs? It is not uncommon for women to take a workout program straight from a magazine and follow it religiously every week. Instead, meet with a fitness professional that can assess your movement patterns to find your strengths, weaknesses and imbalances. They can create a personalized program for you to follow on your own.

5. Innie Minnie Minie Mo -
Another common mistake I see at the gym is women wandering around the machines and picking one here and there to do a few reps on. You need to have a goal and a plan of action to reach that goal. You must keep accurate records of your exercises, sets and reps. This gives you feedback on what is working and what is not. You are better able to see what needs to be tweaked in your program to get you to the next level.

6. Going at it Alone -
There is a lot to be said about having a partner. They keep you motivated, accountable and focused. Hiring an experienced fitness professional will also help you reach your goals faster and with better results. They know what your weaknesses are and can push you a little harder than a friend or companion would without injuring you.

7. Not Properly Warming Up -
Preventing injuries is a fitness professionals number one priority when it comes to their clients. One huge mistake I see at the gym is individuals hopping on the treadmill or exercise bike for 5-10 minutes to "warm-up" before their regular workout.
I hate to break it to you, but that isn't going to warm you up for weight training. You need to warm-up using the same movement patterns you will be using during your routine. So, if you will be squatting, do some un-weighted squats and lunges or add a light weight medicine ball and progressively add more weight until you are at 50% of your beginning lifting weight. This will properly warm you up for the heavy lifting you will do in your regular workout. And please, do not stretch until after you have warmed up!

8. Lack of Supportive Nutrition -
Despite popular belief, exercise does not give you the leeway to eat whatever you like. Nutrition is 80% of your success equation. Without proper supportive nutrition, you will hit a plateau early on and not get the results your after. A fitness professional can help give you the nutritional guidance you need to build fat burning muscle and gain that lean physique of your dreams.
Don't think that just going on a diet is going to help you either. Dieting is not the solution and will only put your metabolism in "starvation mode" and does not support the growth of lean muscle. Dieting will leave you tired, cranky and stuck! If you are already at that point, call a fitness professional STAT!

9. Lack of Hydration -
That's right! You really do need to drink water in order to loose stubborn body fat. Drinking a lot of water does not make you bloated or cause you to retain water. In fact, it does the complete opposite! Lack of proper hydration will slow down your metabolism, keep your body from building lean muscle and possibly keep your immune system from working at its optimum level.
The best way to hydrate is with plain drinking water. Unless you are an endurance athlete there is no reason to drink anything else to replace electrolytes.

10. Failure to Make This a Lifestyle Change -
This is a biggie! If you are just in this for a quick fix, then you are setting yourself up for another ride on the fat loss, fat gain roller coaster nightmare. This has to be a new way of life. Embrace better health, higher energy levels and possibly a longer life. This is not dieting, working out until the wedding day or looking good for the high school reunion.
This is about changing your life for the long haul. Get off the yo-yo diet roller coaster and start living healthier today.

Angela Ramos is the owner/director of Inspiration Fitness, Inc. She specializes in women's weight loss and weight management. Through online coaching, semi and private coaching and fitness boot camps she has helped women of all ages loose unwanted body fat and attain lean, toned physiques. Find out more about her private online fitness community at

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