Saturday 31 October 2009

What Doctors Haven't Learned About Women's Health

Have you ever been told by your doctor that your "aches and pains" are in your head?

Increasingly, more women are coming to discover that they have needlessly suffered for years because many health providers are not aware of unique medical conditions that affect women.
Despite the increase of women-specific health research, the idea of equating women's and men's health still exists.

The situation is continually improving, but a lot more "women specific research" needs to be started.
As a result, women are at risk for an increased number of incorrect diagnoses, some of which can be fatal.

Clearly women are different then men in many ways.
Consider just a few health differences between men and women:

* Men and women display different symptoms of heart attack. Chest pain is most common in men while women's symptoms are subtler, often characterized by generalized fatigue, abdominal pain and nausea.

* Men and women absorb and excrete some drugs in different ways and at different rates. Some drugs are more effective in women while others have more severe side effects in women than in men.

* Women may be more susceptible than men to the cancer causing properties of cigarette smoke.

More importantly, women are more sexually sophisticated than men!
If you're a women with an unsatisfying sex life or looking to take your sexual fulfilment to the next level you need to look beyond the next "Female Viagra".

Erik Kampe M.S., is the author of 9 Hidden Dangers To Women's Health Information on the Internet. Visit the Pathways to Women's Sexual Health website to explore all dimensions of your sexuality!

Thursday 29 October 2009

Hydration for Women......

I would like to share with you the importance of hydration that will help you insure maximum health and wellness. You must drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. I know you have heard this time and time again. I understand completely! I know how difficult it is to drink all that water in one day. Then start all over again the next morning. I used to think the same way until

I found ways to change it up and get it down. Now I look forward to drinking water. Believe it or not!
Last year I jetted off to France with my phrase book in hand to watch the largest sporting event in the world Le Tour De France. The cyclists that compete in the tour are some of the greatest athletes in the world. But what I notice about each cyclist, their family and friends was very enlightening. Each and every one of them drank water almost twenty four hours a day. I am an athlete myself and I understand the importance of water while playing a sport, but what was amazing is they always had water in their hand and were constantly drinking it. When they were sitting at a café, during dinner, and just socializing with the fans, they were always drinking and hydrating themselves. It hit home with me. These men that are the best conditioned and in the best health drank water. At that moment, I purchased a bottle of water and have not stopped drinking.
The recommendation of eight to ten eight ounce glasses of water will help ensure that you body has adequate water to keep it working properly. If you would drink at the very least eight glasses filled with eight ounces of water each day you will feel better. Your skin will be softer, suppler, your joints will feel better, be lubricated, and your overall health and wellness will improve. Drinking water helps to move the environmental toxins out of your body. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Now, the next time you have difficultly drinking your 8 glasses of water I want you to think of ways to change it.
-Add a twist of Lemon.
-Add a splash of cranberry juice.
-Add a little (not the whole packet) of Crystal Light
-Think of low calorie juice to add to change the flavor.
Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women‘s fitness, and the womens health and wellness others achieve ultimate health and wellness.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

How to Choose Credible Weight Loss Pills.......

We all know how huge weight loss market is, offering thousands of different weight loss pills. And it keeps growing every year, as well as the number of people suffering obesity and excess weight. Generally we face enormous offers of amazing results, almost magic capacities and 100% guaranteed weight loss success.

Ok, let’s think a little – what really stands behind all those claims? Are those weight loss supplements really matching their claims? Are they really effective and safe for our health? Will we lose weight and become slimmer or just lose our money and give up our attempts to find credible weight loss supplements?

For the moment all the weight loss pills can be divided in two huge niches. First niche is prescription weight loss pills. They are medications with efficacy clinically studied. Basically they are approved by official organizations like FDA. But their use is confined by doctor’s prescription, and may be strictly forbidden if we have certain health conditions. Besides, prescription weight loss pills have serious side effects and using them in the long run may lead to tolerance.

The second niche is weight loss dietary supplements. There is really great amount of different types, like fat burners, appetite suppressants, thermogenic calorie burners – all of them apply different approaches to weight loss. There are some risks of using dietary supplements though. They are not strictly regulated by official organizations, and as a rule, don’t suffer clinical studies and approvals, so their effectiveness as well as side effects come to light only after the customers have tried them on the market.

The examples are widely known. The great deal of weight loss supplements used ephedra as active component, until ephedra was found to have serious side effects, affecting badly our blood pressure and heart.

Hoodia based supplements is another point of concern when it comes to choosing credible weight loss product. Actually there are around 13 of Hoodia types, but only Hoodia Gordonii has P57 component – exactly the one that provides Hoodia's famous appetite suppression. Artificial Hoodia Gordonii is pretty scarce ingredient, but we see the weight loss market is supersaturated with Hoodia supplements. Certainly there exist pure artificial Hoodia Gordonii that demonstrates its known capacities, but there are a few manufacturers that can guarantee Hoodia Gordonii authenticity and quality.

The huge number of weight loss supplements contains under researched components with the lack of clinical approvals.

At the same time we can find really credible weight loss pills online, that will help us speed up our weight loss.

We offer several steps to define if certain slimming pills worth ordering online.

The official sites selling pills online don’t display unsubstantiated claims about their product. Such claims are intended primarily to manipulate ill-advised customer in the rash for easy and fast weight loss solution. But this is not a point yet, as it’s easy to change distrustful claims for more adequate ones to avoid any mistrust from the potential customers.
The weight loss products are produced by manufacturers with a strong reputation in the weight loss niche. You can always find the company’s site, its contact info, and get all the necessary knowledge of its production process, as well as certificates that prove compliance with manufacture standards.
We can also include money-back guarantees, and wide scope of customer service, for example, advisory services or additional bonuses like free delivery or special re-order conditions. But this is still not enough for a product to be considered as credible.

The strict rule for high quality slimming pills is using only artificial high quality ingredients, proved with clinical studies, and their efficacy and safety is approved. If a manufacturer really uses no fraudulent components, he will let you know by presenting respective certificates.
And obviously the surest sign of slimming pills credibility – the company is free to present its weight loss product for general audience. You can hear about the product not only in the online community, but from reputable experts in the health niche.

We understand how the real quality weight loss product is important for achieving weight loss success. It’s been proved many times that the guarantee for real and successful weight loss is combination of healthy diet and regular physical activity. The great aid in achieving successful weight loss results are weight loss pills. And if they prove to be fraudulent, we won’t reach such perfect and fast weight loss than we could if using really credible weight loss supplements.

Anthony Voronoff is expert of - the site examinating weight loss pills market and making reviews of the most effective and high quality weight loss products - natural weight loss pills and weight loss supplements.

Try this Butt Sculpting Workout!

They laughed when I told them this Simple Weight Loss Remedy Melts Away Fat!

There are so many weight loss supplements on the market today that it is truly confusing as to what actually works and what does not. Now here is a statement that will help you clear that confusion...

"Nearly all weight loss pills and weight loss supplements do not work"
Most weight loss pills and supplements are being mass marketed to you for one simple reason...

And many of these weight loss pills are very dangerous for your health as well as being ridiculously expensive. The weight loss industry is fueled by money, it is not governed for genuine concern for human health.

But do not worry...
I am going to share with you today a 5000 year old natural weight loss remedy that has worked on millions of people to lose bucket loads of fat and this simple remedy will work on you if you simply try it.

And here is even more good news, I am going to share this knowledge with you today...
...Absolutely free

This ancient remedy has worked for over five thousands years. It is a proven winner. This very simple home remedy costs you next to nothing and provides your body with health while helping you strip away truck loads of fat.
And lastly one more benefit is this extraordinary home remedy tastes damn good. In fact it is delicious.

Now you might ask be thinking if this home remedy is so great why is it not being shared and
exposed to the whole world....
Well the reason is because...
Million Pound companies can not make money from it because...
You can make this simple weight loss remedy from your own home kitchen...
And secondly because the knowledge of this remedy is only contained in the ancient natural healing system known as Ayurvedic Medicine (I am a natural healer in this medical science).

This natural medical system is mostly unknown in the west. Many health secrets are revealed within this system that no other medical science on earth knows.
Ok lets now reveal this secret weight loss home remedy...Drum role...

The remedy is...
Raw Unheated Honey, Fresh Lemon juice and a Glass of room temperature water.
Here is how this amazing remedy works...
The Power of raw unheated honey...
Honey has been used as a home remedy in Ayurvedic medicine to help dissolve fat for thousands of years.
Honey scrapes away and dissolves fat. Fat by nature is oily. Honey has opposite qualities to fat.
Honey has a drying astringent quality on fat helping to dissolve it.

According to the ancient medical scriptures raw unheated honey also has the following benefits...
anti fat substanceeasily digestibleimproves digestiongood for the eyesgood for the voicegives suppleness to your bodypurifies and clears the channelsbestows contentmentheals woundspurifies and heals ulcersgives good color and complexionimproves intelligence cures many types of diseasesrejuvenates your body

Honey is opposite to sugar. Sugar actually makes you fatter but honey is the only sweet tasting substance that strips away fat.
Honey also should never ever be boiled, heated or cooked. It has been found that cooked or boiled honey has a deformed molecular structure turning it into a toxic glue like substance that sticks to the channels within your body and this glue like substance causes disease.

So please use only raw, unheated honey. Raw unheated honey is pure medicine. Raw unheated honey can be brought from any health food store in the world. It can also be brought on the internet.

The power of lemon juice...
Fresh lemon juice is excellent to help you lose weight. Lemon juice is a...
powerful weight loss substancewonderful aid to internal cleansingantisepticretards the presence of disease causing bacteriacleanses the liverhelps reduce bloating and flatulenceaids eliminationantioxidanthelps keep your skin clear

The power of a glass of room temperature water...
A simple glass of water upon waking up helps remove constipation and detoxifies your body. A simple glass of water has several healing qualities:
Helps remove fatigueEnhances glow of skin Prevents constipationIncreases staminaProvides satisfactionHelps the heartHelps digestionAntioxidant
"How to take this potent home remedy"
First thing in the morning as soon as you wake up fill a glass with room temperature or luke warm water, add 1 teaspoon of raw unheated honey and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, then drink. Take this remedy once every day on a empty stomach.

This home remedy is nature's medicine and is a million times more effective at shedding fat then any weight loss pill. You will be surprised how something so simple as this home remedy can help you not only shed huge amounts of fat but also increase your health and well being.
Now it must be remembered in order to lose weight effectively you need to combine many weight loss principles together.

"While this home remedy is very powerful it needs to be combined with other weight loss principles to be fully effective in a complete weight loss program"
These principles include: mastering your eating habits, eating a healthy diet, special weight loss exercises, potent fat shedding herbal supplements and lastly preventative medicine (basically knowledge on how to keep weight off long term).

The 5000 year old natural healing system known as ayurvedic medicine provides you with perfect knowledge on how you can lose weight and keep it off long term naturally, safely and rapidly.

I will share with you exactly how to lose weight in my...
...Free Weight Loss mini course
"How to Rapidly Shed Huge Amounts of Fat-Free Mini Course"
Free Report (Day 1) -“What doctors and fat loss companies won’t tell you about losing fat”. (They don’t want me to tell you this...If you want to know the truth about weight loss-You have to read this controversial report).
Free Report (Day 2) -“Discover how nature can help you melt your fat away" (This knowledge will shock you with its simplicity...You absolutely, without fail must read this fascinating report).
Free Report (Day 3)- “Learn a Fat Shedding Secret that everyone forgets” (This is the secret of secrets to rapidly losing copious amounts of fat naturally and long term...Almost all weight loss programs miss this vitally important point).
Plus Receive "Four other free weight loss reports and a free subscription to my Lose fat fast newsletter".
Get Your Free Weight Loss Mini Course right now at:

Mediterranean Diet...

1. About The Mediterranean Diet

The American Heart Association, Harvard University and many other notable health associated research institutes have gone to great pains to establish the foundation or fundamental reasons why this diet is so well recognized for healing and health properties. As the supremo natural food diet, it has had many centuries to not only establish, but to prove it's worth. Its weight loss results are also being noticed...

Fundamentally, the Mediterranean diet evolved from the respective diets of countries surrounding the Mediterranean basin. Among the countries surrounding the basin are the south of France, southern Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus. Originally introduced by American doctor Ancel Keys, the diet failed to gain popular recognition until the 1990's. Based on scientific data, people around the Mediterranean basin had lower rates of cardiovascular disease compared to Americans who, for all intents and purposes, consumed the same relative amount of fat. One possible explanation and the one that sees most popular, is the presence of olive oil and red wine. Olive oil lowers cholesterol levels in the blood while red wine contains flavonoids. Flavonoids are anti-oxidants that also help the body when dealing with allergenic material, viruses and cancer causing agents.

Comparing the food pyramid of the United States against the Mediterranean diet food pyramid, people of the Mediterranean consumed fruits, vegetables and grain just as Americans do. The main difference lies in the fact that Americans consume much more red meat and olive oil is prominent in the Mediterranean diet region. Additionally, Americans are much more prone to eating highly processed foods on a regular basis.

Consumption of cold water fish is also prominent in the Mediterranean region. This has resulted in reduced risks of heart disease, cancer and improved immune system functions. It is indeed an enviable nutrition food pyramid by any diets' standards. Ever growing brigades of heart healthy and weight conscious people like you are sticking a copy of the Mediterranean diet pyramid or food pyramid on their refrigerators. You would have to conclude that this is so they can glean over it at meal time while they prepare something to eat. The constant statistics indicating the increasing popularity of almost any Mediterranean cookbook is staggering. As a result, Mediterranean diet meal plans are in constant demand.

2. Fat
An interesting aspect of the Mediterranean cuisine is that fat is regarded as a healthy dietary element. Understand that it is the fat that gives food most of its flavour. However, we are not talking about fat that everyone usually talks about. Two substances, omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, are considered to be healthy foods or elements and are not restricted in the diet. Extra virgin olive oil, canola oil and nuts are good sources of monounsaturated fat while fish, vegetables and nuts contain the healthy omega-3 acids. Saturated fats and trans fat, on the other hand are considered to be unhealthy as they are said to contribute to heart disease. Red meat, butter, cheese and milk are also sources of saturated fat while processed foods contain hydrogenated oils from which trans fat comes from.

3. Olive Oil
I should mention that the history of olive oil, olive oil uses and olive oil facts are important to this diet because of the health benefits of olive oil and its related properties. There is even talk that some shelf products in supermarkets may display a logo or mark to identify they belong to the traditional Mediterranean diet food group. Extra Virgin olive oil is regarded as the best due to it being extracted at the first crushing.

4. Disease and the Mediterranean diet
Often referred to as the heart smart diet, people have been searching for subject matter based on the Mediterranean diet and diabetes, Arthrosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Peptic Ulcers, Lower Blood Pressure and there are more breakthroughs being investigated as I write. It is already a favourite for heart disease, resistance to some Cancers and longevity. Sounds too good to be true I initially thought. Fortunately, the formally researched and verified proof coming from sources such as prominent universities and health research institutes across the globe is substantial. There is now additional research being undertaken with allergies in children related to the Mediterranean diet as a result of a recent discovery from studies of children and their low affliction to allergies in the Mediterranean region. Another area of research is focussed on reducing the risks of Dementia.
The incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean countries is lower than in the United States. Death rates are lower, too. However, there are some who feel this may not be entirely due to the diet. Lifestyle factors (ie. more physical activity and extended social family support structures) may also play a part. At this stage this is just a theory. However, the research tells all - the Mediterranean diet has existed for umpteen years.

4. Diet
For those newly acquainted with the Mediterranean diet, you should know at the outset that this is different to diets such as the Atkins diet or the South Creek diet or any other commercial diet, in that, it is not a diet that has been fabricated or designed by a person in the last 30 years. It is however, an age old diet or way of eating and cooking which has been and is enjoyed by many countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Hence it's name. This traditional diet has been this way for centuries. This of course allows ample room for extensive research and studies to be undertaken.

5. Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid
A brief explanation of the Mediterranean diet pyramid is based on dietary information from regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The traditional recipes are often quoted from Greek Food, Italian food, Sicilian food and we have found there is often a strong focus in Cretan food from the Isle of Crete. There are many other sources of traditional Mediterranean foods but there have been questions raised as to the diets swing to processed foods n some areas of one or two of the sixteen countries involved. The diet has enjoyed the lowest recorded rates of chronic diseases and the highest recorded adult life expectancy which shows a pattern such as this one below;
- A significant amount of food from plant sources- A strong emphasis on minimal amounts of processed foods- Most food items are seasonal and locally grown- The principal fat is extra virgin olive oil which replaces other almost all other fats and oils- A daily consumption of low to moderate amounts of yogurt and cheese- Consumption of moderate amounts of poultry and fish weekly (recent research indicates that fish is favoured over poultry); around four eggs per week is average- A typical daily intake or dessert of Fresh fruit is the norm; sweets with a significant amount of sugar (most often honey)- Red meat is eaten only a few times a month and should be lean- A low consumption of wine (usually red) is also part of the diet (normally 1 glass with meals for women and 2-3 maximum for men)
There is more detail on the Mediterranean diet healthy food pyramid and a useful diagram accessible from the link below.

6. Weight Loss
The weight loss properties that surround the Mediterranean food diet are more about application than indulging in any one kind of food or indeed, food group denial. The weight loss success that is normally attributed to this diet has come about with the gradual dismissal of processed foods and the adoption of fresh fruit, vegetables and the many grains and cereal foods available. Basically, cooking regularly from a Mediterranean diet menu. The weight loss program is almost automatic. Let's not forget the qualities that come with extra virgin olive oil for cooking instead of animal fat too. Almost all nutritionists and doctors will tell you that exercise is also extremely important in the goal of losing weight. Even walking for 40 minutes 5 days a week is quite powerful and will give excellent results as a fat burner when used along with a Mediterranean diet. You don't have to pump weights or run like the wind for twenty blocks to burn fat from your body. In fact, if you're not reasonably fit to start with, jumping in like that can be injurious. Much more, is explained later at the link below.

7. Mediterranean Diet Recipes
It's very true that Mediterranean recipes are found in some cookbooks already offline and online. They are usually full of tasty healthy recipes and are often thought of as vegetarian food recipes. For the record, these gourmet cooking recipes are not just vegetarian but are quite diversified. They are generally easy healthy recipes and range from garlic recipes through to formal dinner recipes.

8. Conclusion
Is there a healthier way to lose weight than to stick with what's researched, and is tried and true? I am not talking about the last couple of years here. I am talking about centuries. Why would you be silly enough to pursue a quick fix path when it's your very person on the line? Your health must come first, the speed of weight loss second. If you care about your longevity, resistance to disease, a healthy life and safe weight loss, then surely learning the simple and diverse process of cooking Mediterranean style is worth your consideration. Be smart! Learn more, or better still promise yourself that you'll try it and cook one meal that's appealing you.

Your whole life can change for the better because you did. Then laziness is the only excuse not to and I'm certain you won't be sorry.

Here's to your healthy and tasty future, Ray Darken.
Copyright 2007 Ray Darken - Ray has included immediate access to a detailed selection of information about the Mediterranean diet and a down-loadable guide on using the Mediterranean diet here

Top 10 Mistakes Women Make when trying to achieve the body of their Dreams....

Several times I have had women contact me frustrated that they are not seeing the results they desire. However, as we get into our conversation and I start asking questions about their current fitness routines, I find some common threads.

I decided to compile a list of the top ten mistakes women make that really does keep them from making any progress. By reading this, you will be well on your way to achieving better results than the average gym rat or home exerciser.

1. Too Much Cardio -
Back in the early 70's it was popular belief that women belonged on the treadmill or in aerobic exercise classes swinging little purple dumbbells. Spending hours on the treadmill was the way to loose unwanted body fat.
Well, let me squash that belief! If you have been spending all your time on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or exercise bike, there is an easier, faster way.
Your body is never going to change, you are never going to loose any weight, let alone body fat and you are going to remain frustrated forever!
Let me tell you the secret to fat loss: Strength training and I am not talking about purple dumbbells. Ladies, you will not bulk up and look like a bodybuilder if you lift heavy weights. On the contrary, you will become lean, toned and gain fat burning muscle. Start strength training and you can kiss your flab goodbye!

2. Low Intensity Cardio -
Some of you are really stubborn about your cardio sessions. Some of you may even be cardio junkies!
Let me explain what happens when you spend all your time on the treadmill reading the latest romance novel or gossip magazine - not much. Your body adapted to that after the first four weeks.
You should be including high intensity interval training as part of your cardio program. The nice thing about high intensity interval training is that your body is never able to adapt. You can constantly change the variables. Whether it is your speed, your resistance, your incline or the interval time, your body is constantly guessing and is never able to reach homeostasis. This is what we want! It's time to step it up!

3. Getting Stuck in a Rut -
If you have been doing the same exercises since the first day you joined the gym, then you're truly stuck in a rut. Your body adapts to exercises within a 4-6 week period. Make an effort to try something new every month. Use different exercises for each muscle movement.

4. Using a Generic Solution -
Every one of us is different and unique. So why would you use a generic exercise program that is not personalized or customized to your unique needs? It is not uncommon for women to take a workout program straight from a magazine and follow it religiously every week. Instead, meet with a fitness professional that can assess your movement patterns to find your strengths, weaknesses and imbalances. They can create a personalized program for you to follow on your own.

5. Innie Minnie Minie Mo -
Another common mistake I see at the gym is women wandering around the machines and picking one here and there to do a few reps on. You need to have a goal and a plan of action to reach that goal. You must keep accurate records of your exercises, sets and reps. This gives you feedback on what is working and what is not. You are better able to see what needs to be tweaked in your program to get you to the next level.

6. Going at it Alone -
There is a lot to be said about having a partner. They keep you motivated, accountable and focused. Hiring an experienced fitness professional will also help you reach your goals faster and with better results. They know what your weaknesses are and can push you a little harder than a friend or companion would without injuring you.

7. Not Properly Warming Up -
Preventing injuries is a fitness professionals number one priority when it comes to their clients. One huge mistake I see at the gym is individuals hopping on the treadmill or exercise bike for 5-10 minutes to "warm-up" before their regular workout.
I hate to break it to you, but that isn't going to warm you up for weight training. You need to warm-up using the same movement patterns you will be using during your routine. So, if you will be squatting, do some un-weighted squats and lunges or add a light weight medicine ball and progressively add more weight until you are at 50% of your beginning lifting weight. This will properly warm you up for the heavy lifting you will do in your regular workout. And please, do not stretch until after you have warmed up!

8. Lack of Supportive Nutrition -
Despite popular belief, exercise does not give you the leeway to eat whatever you like. Nutrition is 80% of your success equation. Without proper supportive nutrition, you will hit a plateau early on and not get the results your after. A fitness professional can help give you the nutritional guidance you need to build fat burning muscle and gain that lean physique of your dreams.
Don't think that just going on a diet is going to help you either. Dieting is not the solution and will only put your metabolism in "starvation mode" and does not support the growth of lean muscle. Dieting will leave you tired, cranky and stuck! If you are already at that point, call a fitness professional STAT!

9. Lack of Hydration -
That's right! You really do need to drink water in order to loose stubborn body fat. Drinking a lot of water does not make you bloated or cause you to retain water. In fact, it does the complete opposite! Lack of proper hydration will slow down your metabolism, keep your body from building lean muscle and possibly keep your immune system from working at its optimum level.
The best way to hydrate is with plain drinking water. Unless you are an endurance athlete there is no reason to drink anything else to replace electrolytes.

10. Failure to Make This a Lifestyle Change -
This is a biggie! If you are just in this for a quick fix, then you are setting yourself up for another ride on the fat loss, fat gain roller coaster nightmare. This has to be a new way of life. Embrace better health, higher energy levels and possibly a longer life. This is not dieting, working out until the wedding day or looking good for the high school reunion.
This is about changing your life for the long haul. Get off the yo-yo diet roller coaster and start living healthier today.

Angela Ramos is the owner/director of Inspiration Fitness, Inc. She specializes in women's weight loss and weight management. Through online coaching, semi and private coaching and fitness boot camps she has helped women of all ages loose unwanted body fat and attain lean, toned physiques. Find out more about her private online fitness community at

Want a flat Stomach Fast??

If you want to learn how to get a flat stomach fast then you need to avoid some of the more common mistakes people make along the way. I'm going to briefly cover three main points that will help get you to your physical objectives in the least amount of time. First we'll discuss the crucial role diet plays in obtaining a flat midsection. Then, we will explore strength conditioning and how it contributes to abdominal strength. Finally, we will cover cardiovascular conditioning and how it benefits the abdominal region. When you have finished this article, you will have an effective overall strategy that will produce a flat abdomen in the shortest time possible.
In the first place, I cannot understate how important a proper eating strategy is to overall health and to abdominal condition in particular. By reducing the amount of fat and sugars you consume, you will consistently reduce your overall body fat and, therefore, the fat around your midsection.

This does not mean you have to become a fanatic and avoid all foods that you love; but what you can do is to employ the 80/20 rule. In simple terms this means to eat intelligently most of the time and indulge yourself once in a while. Following this strategy will improve your health and allow you to treat yourself occasionally. The reduction of body fat (and, therefore, abdominal fat) will dramatically improve your appearance and enhance your well-being. By getting your eating habits under control you will have more energy to put more effort into what follows next: strength training.

- In strength training the basic principle to understand is that by focusing on training your major muscle groups, with the objective of increasing your overall body strength, you also improve the overall strength, health, and condition of your abdominal muscles. No other training strategy is a better element in the knowledge of how to get a flat stomach fast. Which leads us to the final abdominal training principle.

- The third basic component in a comprehensive abdominal training strategy is cardiovascular conditioning. You don't have to include anything overly taxing physically or demanding in terms of time. For instance, riding a bike or power-walking for 30 minutes, 3 times a week will produce impressive results. What this strategy accomplishes besides improving the condition of your cardiovascular system, is to burn excess fat overall. Consequently, the fat around your abdominal region will diminish, revealing more of your abdominal muscles.
And that should cover it. Here are the three points we've covered. Control what you eat and you'll achieve your fitness goals faster. Total body strength conditioning will consequently improve the strength and appearance of your stomach region. Cardiovascular training is key to burning fat and improving the look of your midsection. Adopt these three basic principles, include them in your basic abdominal training strategy, and your results will improve dramatically.

What are the best conditioning programs that teach how to get a flat stomach fast? To get a free report that compares the two most popular abdominal conditioning programs available go to the following web site.

How to Lose 10 pounds Quickly and Naturally

Like millions of people around the world, you have probably dieted at some point in your life. However, the dieting ends here! Fad diets are difficult, unhealthy, and most of all unsuccessful.

More often than not, you will lose weight to start, but gain those lost pounds back and then some. If you want to lose ten pounds or more quickly and naturally, you need to change your habits.

The first thing you need to do in order to lose weight is exercise; don't let that word scare you though! In this case, exercise doesn't mean hitting the gym for an hour 5 times a week. The most important thing is staying active, however it fits your schedule. Ideally, you should do some sort of cardio activity that increases your heart rate for twenty minutes a day, 3 days a week.

These cardio workouts can include your typical activities like running, biking or swimming, but they can also include things like jump roping, dancing, or playing sports. Use your creativity! Anything that you do that gets you breathing hard and your heart pumping is a good workout.

The other important factor in effective exercising is changing up your workouts. When your body gets used to a certain type of exercise, your muscle memory builds up and your body doesn't respond as well to the workout. Try doing a cardio workout one day and then doing weight training the next time. Switch up your activities as often as you can to make sure you're working different groups and burning the most calories.

If you can incorporate these techniques into your daily routine, you will be well on your way to burning fat and losing 10 pounds or more!
No matter how you decide to alter your lifestyle in terms of nutrition and exercise, be certain to get yourself on a good multivitamin, and to detox your system regularly.

Without the proper vitamins, minerals, and detoxification, you may be halting your weight loss efforts before they even begin.

For the many inquiries I receive with regard to proper supplementation for rapid weight loss, here is my personal recommendation: Lose Inches

Six pack Myths Busted

Everyone wants six pack abs, but how many people do you know actually have it? Many people spend so much time and money trying to get a six pack and fail miserably. Why? because most people forget the basics and look for a shortcut to success. This is how companies selling useless garbage tend to be successful. So, lets dispel some of the common myths about six pack abs.

Ab exercises give you a 6 pack For more than 90% of people, ab exercises will not get them 6 pack abs. Everyone has abs, the layer of fat covering it makes it invisible, doing crunches, sit ups, or any ab exercise will not remove that layer of fat. The goal is to remove that fat

You can get 6 pack abs in just ten minutes a day If this were true, everyone would have a 6 pack, there is no way to get 6 pack abs without hard work and dedication. The fat covering your abs need to be removed, you cant burn fat in just 10 minutes a day.

You can target and spot remove your stomach fat to expose six pack abs. There is no way to spot remove fat, your body decides where the fat comes off, have you ever seen a person with flabby arms and legs with a 6 pack? thought not. You must reduce your overall body fat percentage and let your body decide where the fat comes off.

Buying ab pills, gizmos or devices help you get six pack abs. There is no easy way to get a 6 pack, As said before it requires hard work and dedication which consists of proper nutrition and exercise, the only money you need to spend is at the grocery in the produce aisle.

Special exercise is required for lower abs As said earlier, everyone has abs, to reveal those abs requires fat removal, there is no way to do spot fat removal so the solution is to reduce your body fat percentage. Some get a 4pack up top and assume some kind of intense lower abs routine is the answer, the truth is, if you have a 4 pack up top, you already have lower abs, lowering body fat percentage is the solution.

Getting abs requires long intense ab workouts If you are trying to get a visible 6 pack, 30 - 60 minutes working on abs would be better spent doing activities designed to burn fat, like cardio, sports, jogging etc. ab exercises are important for sculpting already present abs, not for actually getting visible six pack abs. Getting a six pack require proper nutrition coupled with exercise designed for burning fat, there are many Home workout routines that can help achieve this.

Remember there is no easy way to get six pack abs, anyone promising that STAY FAR AWAY. is a free resource for anyone trying to get in fantastic shape, live a healthier lifestyle and learn the ways of proper nutrition.
For more info visit or email

Eat your Way to a Six Pack

When most people want to build a set of six pack abs, they will automatically turn to stomach exercises. This is an all too common mistake.

Training alone will not get you the results that you require. Your nutritional habits will be the deciding factor on the results that you will get. Consuming unhealthy foods while you train will be putting your efforts to waste. I will go as far as saying that 85% of your results will come through eating in the right way.

If you want to get a great mid section then look towards your diet, as well as your training. You need to cut out the junk food that is responsible for the fat round the waist. This does not just mean cutting back on fast food. It means looking a little closer to home as well. Try to cut out all sugar from your diet. White sugar has absolutely no nutritional value. The sugars you eat should come from natural sources like fruit and honey.

Most people think that eating fat makes them fat. In one way this is true, but avoiding fat altogether can be dangerous to your body. Fat is required for numerous functions in your body. However the fat needs to come from healthy sources like fish and other seafood. Avoid meat fats as much as possible.
Carbohydrates are required for energy, but if you are not burning energy then those carbohydrates you are eating will be stored as fat. Not very beneficial for getting six pack abs.

Do not go overboard by reducing carbs in a big way. A drop of around 20% should be ample.
Your focus needs to be on good sources of protein and plenty of fresh vegetables. Our digestive systems are geared towards eating plantlife. Our bodies struggle with the modern diet because of all the additives, fats, sugars, and chemicals it contains. This is why so many of us are overweight and often get sick.

When it comes to your training, don't just target stomach exercises. To lose fat you need to burn calories. Exercises for the stomach will not really do this. Cardiovascular and weight training will have a massive impact on your goal to get six pack abs. These types of exercises can burn large amounts of calories, and this is what is needed to get rid of waist fat.

So do your training, but don't focus entirely on exercises for the stomach. Get the proper nutrition into your body and you will be eating your way to six pack abs sooner than you think.
If you want to know how to get abs fast then visit us and find out which methods are being used by thousands of people online today to get that often elusive set of abs with the the most efficient and productive stomach exercises available today.

Get Ripped at Home

When most people try to get ripped, they end up doing lots of crunches, sit ups, and other "isolation" ab exercises.

But I have a way that you can lose fat all in the comfort of your own home. And it doesn't require you to do endless crunches or lots of cardio.

If you have less than 20 lbs of fat to lose, then you can easily start to see your abs within 3 months. The key is to use compound exercises and perform workouts at a high intensity level. Since we're training at home, all of your exercises will be bodyweight movements.
There will be two portions of your workout: strength and cardio. For the strength training portion, choose 3-6 exercises that target your entire body and perform them as a full circuit. I usually like to choose 2 Upper Body, 2 Lower Body, and 2 Core exercises.

For the cardio portion of the workout, focus on high intensity interval training. Most people tend to do lots of aerobic workouts that last 60 minutes at a time. Instead, focus on high intensity workouts that last just 10-20 minutes. For those that don't know what interval training is, let me explain:

Interval training is where you alternate between periods of high intensity training and low intensity or active rest periods. For example, you can sprint all out for 30 seconds, followed by a 60 second break.Repeat this sequence 8-10 times for a fast fat burning workout. "Experts" also claim that it is not safe to lose more than 2 pounds in a week. Well, that's not true. The truth is that you can lose more than 2 pounds per week, safely. But the main idea is that you don't "kill" yourself will training. In other words, make sure that you're eating and sleeping well. This is the only way you'll recover from your high intensity workouts.

About the AuthorParth Shah can help you take your fitness, fat burning and physique building abilities to new heights with his website WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net If you you're looking to learn everything there is about working out at home with your own body weight, then you need to check out his site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net.

Best Weight Loss Exercise

The exercise the experts are keeping a Secret. The easiest exercise in the world actually “Burns the Most Fat”!
There is only one weight loss exercise that's the best fat burning exercise for everyone by far, there’s not even a close second.
However, most so-called weight-loss experts don't teach this exercise, either because they are ignorant of the facts, or more than likely, because they can't make any money from it.
They can't make any money from the best weight loss workout, because you don't need to join a gym, and you don't need to buy any exercise equipment to do it.
People who advise that...
You have to go through all the different exercise routines on all the different exercise equipment in a gym, or buy all this weird exercise equipment, or that you need to be running for weight loss, are just giving you the runaround.
Weight Lifting As a Weight Loss Exercise
Many people who call themselves experts, make the claim that since muscles burn fat, you need to build big muscles so that you can burn more fat, and so...
You should work with weights, because that builds the biggest muscles.
That's totally misleading, but it sells a lot of gym memberships, and lots of exercise equipment.
Many people are looking for a quick weight loss workout, and also, many fitness professionals (note that I didn't say experts), believe that the harder you work out, the more fat you will burn, but...
That's a Lie!
The people who make these kinds of claims, obviously haven't a clue how the human body works as it relates to weight control, and they should probably look for some other line of work.
The Fat Burning Workout Or Sugar Burning
Yes it's true that fat is burnt in the muscles, but so is sugar. All the really hard exercises where you sweat a lot and your muscles hurt, is burning practically nothing but sugar, and almost no fat.
Most professional teach that you have to work really hard to burn fat, and so the more motivated you are to have a fat burning workout, the harder you work, and the harder you work, the more sugar you burn, but practically no fat whatsoever.
You can go through all kinds of weight lifting routines for your weight loss workout, and even build big muscles, but they will be "sugar burning muscles", not fat burning muscles.
If you're a woman, you can build such big muscles this way, that you’ll begin to look like a Guy, but you'll still be fat!
Walking for Weight-Loss
Realize that "walking for weight loss" is the absolute best weight loss exercise available. Unless you're already very fit, walking for weight loss is a much better fat burning exercise than running for weight loss.
It's all relative!
If you're unfit and overweight, especially if you're obese and a typical couch potato, then...
If you go running for weight-loss, you’ll burn almost nothing but sugar and you'll probably be very sore the next day.
On the opposite extreme, if you're an experienced marathon runner, then your body is a very efficient "Fat Burning Machine", which burns almost nothing but fat during a run.
Just ordinary walking won't do it for you, as there are 10 Secrets which we teach you in the free Slim America weight loss Project, which turns ordinary walking into a very efficient fat burning workout, but that's not all...
Not only is walking for weight loss a fast weight loss exercise and the best fat loss workout, but it will also a rebuild your metabolism so that you burn more fat the rest of the day, even when you're not exercising.
So you see, walking for weight loss, is really the best weight loss exercise available to you, because you really rebuild your metabolism, and that's the key to permanent weight loss.
Have a Great Life!
Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades.
Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and “free” Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site.
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